In Lapland and 150 km north of the Arctic Circle it's not easy to grow vegetables so wild berries have always been important in the local cuisine to get vitamins and antioxidants.
Blueberries and Lingonberries are the most common type of berries in Scandinavia. They are of course totaly organic, grows on the same spot next to our doorstep. So it comes naturally with them as the theme of the cabin. Eat them fresh, from frozen, dried or as powder. They are both healthy Superberries giving you Arctic Superpowers! Finland's forest has 'Freedom to roam' rights so you are free to pick the wild growing berries where ever you like.
P.S If you visit during winter you will not see them, they will be sleeping under the snow. But if you open the fridge, freezer or kitchen cabinet in the cabin you might find some...
Vaccinium myrtillus (latin name)
Also known as Nordic Blueberry or Bilberry. Blåbär in Swedish, Mustikka in Finnish, Myrtilles in French. Grows usually when the ground is more moist, look after them in spruce forests. Ripens in late August.
Health benefits as good for your eyes and helps you get better night vision.
Vaccinium vitis-idaea (latin name)
Also known as Lingonberry or Cowberry. Lingon in Swedish, Puolukka in Finnish, Airelles in French. Grows usually when the ground is more dry, look after them in taiga pine forests. Ripens in September.
Health benefits as lower cholesterol and help with kidney problems.